Words near each other
・ List of state leaders in 1972
・ List of state leaders in 1973
・ List of state leaders in 1974
・ List of state leaders in 1975
・ List of state leaders in 1976
・ List of state leaders in 1977
・ List of state leaders in 1978
・ List of state leaders in 1979
・ List of state leaders in 198
・ List of state leaders in 198 BC
・ List of state leaders in 1980
・ List of state leaders in 1981
・ List of state leaders in 1982
・ List of state leaders in 1983
・ List of state leaders in 1984
List of state leaders in 1985
・ List of state leaders in 1986
・ List of state leaders in 1987
・ List of state leaders in 1988
・ List of state leaders in 1989
・ List of state leaders in 199
・ List of state leaders in 199 BC
・ List of state leaders in 1990
・ List of state leaders in 1991
・ List of state leaders in 1992
・ List of state leaders in 1993
・ List of state leaders in 1994
・ List of state leaders in 1995
・ List of state leaders in 1996
・ List of state leaders in 1997

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List of state leaders in 1985 : ウィキペディア英語版
List of state leaders in 1985


* Algeria
*President - Chadli Bendjedid, President of Algeria (1979–1992)
*Prime Minister - Abdelhamid Brahimi, Prime Minister of Algeria (1984–1988)
* Angola
* Communist Party Leader - José Eduardo dos Santos, Secretary of the Popular Liberation Movement of Angola-Labor Party (1979–1991)
* President - José Eduardo dos Santos, President of Angola (1979–present)
* Benin
* Communist Party Leader - Mathieu Kérékou, Secretary of the Popular Revolutionary Party of Benin (1979–1990)
* President - Mathieu Kérékou, President of Benin (1972–1991)
* Botswana
* President - Quett Masire, President of Botswana (1980–1998)
* Burkina Faso
* President - Thomas Sankara, President of Burkina Faso (1983–1987)
* Burundi
* President - Jean-Baptiste Bagaza, President of Burundi (1976–1987)
* Cameroon
*President - Paul Biya, President of Cameroon (1982–present)
* Cape Verde
* President - Aristides Pereira, President of Cape Verde (1975–1991)
* Prime Minister - Pedro Pires, Prime Minister of Cape Verde (1975–1991)
*Central African Republic
*Head of State - André Kolingba, Chairman of the Military Committee of National Recovery of the Central African Republic (1981–1993)
*President - Hissène Habré, President of Chad (1982–1990)
* Comoros
* President - Ahmed Abdallah, President of the Comoros (1978–1989)
* Congo
* Communist Party Leader - Denis Sassou Nguesso, Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Congolese Labor Party (1979–1991)
*President - Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of Congo (1979–1992)
*Prime Minister - Ange-Édouard Poungui, Prime Minister of Congo (1984–1989)
* Côte d'Ivoire
*''the country name Côte d'Ivoire no longer translated as Ivory Coast after 14 October 1985''
*President - Félix Houphouët-Boigny, President of Côte d'Ivoire (1960–1993)
* Djibouti
* President - Hassan Gouled Aptidon, President of Djibouti (1977–1999)
* Prime Minister - Barkat Gourad Hamadou, Prime Minister of Djibouti (1978–2001)
* Egypt
*President - Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt (1981–2011)
*Prime Minister -
*# Kamal Hassan Ali, Prime Minister of Egypt (1984–1985)
*# Ali Lutfi Mahmud, Prime Minister of Egypt (1985–1986)
* Equatorial Guinea
* President - Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea (1979–present)
* Prime Minister - Cristino Seriche Bioko, Prime Minister of Equatorial Guinea (1982–1992)
* Ethiopia
* Communist Party Leader - Mengistu Haile Mariam, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Ethiopia (1984–1991)
* Head of State - Mengistu Haile Mariam, Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces of Ethiopia (1977–1991)
* Gabon
*President - Omar Bongo, President of Gabon (1967–2009)
*Prime Minister - Léon Mébiame, Prime Minister of Gabon (1975–1994)
* The Gambia
* President - Sir Dawda Jawara, President of The Gambia (1970–1994)
* Ghana
*Head of State - Jerry Rawlings, Chairman of the Provisional National Defence Council of Ghana (1981–2001)
* Guinea
* President - Lansana Conté, President of Guinea (1984–2008)
* Guinea-Bissau
*Head of State - João Bernardo Vieira, Chairman of the Council of State of Guinea-Bissau (1984–1999)
* Ivory Coast
*''see under Côte d'Ivoire''
* Kenya
* President - Daniel arap Moi, President of Kenya (1978–2002)
* Lesotho
*Monarch - Moshoeshoe II, King of Lesotho (1970–1990)
*Prime Minister - Leabua Jonathan, Prime Minister of Lesotho (1965–1986)〔Lesotho only became independent in 1966.〕
* Liberia
* President - Samuel Doe, President of Liberia (1980–1990)
*''De facto'' Head of State - Muammar Gaddafi, Guide of the Revolution of Libya (1969–2011)
*Nominal Head of State - Mifta al-Usta Umar, General Secretary of the General People's Congress of Libya (1984–1990)
*Head of Government - Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab, General Secretary of the General People's Committee of Libya (1984–1986)
* Madagascar
*President - Didier Ratsirakaa, President of Madagascar (1975–1993)
*Prime Minister - Désiré Rakotoarijaona, Prime Minister of Madagascar (1977–1988)
* Malawi
* President - Hastings Banda, President for Life of Malawi (1966–1994)
* Mali
* President - Moussa Traoré, President of Mali (1968–1991)
* Mauritania
* Head of State - Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya, Head of State of Mauritania (1984–2005)
* Prime Minister - Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya, Prime Minister of Mauritania (1984–1992)
* Mauritius
* Monarch - Elizabeth II, Queen of Mauritius (1968–1992)
* Governor-General -
*# Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, Governor-General of Mauritius (1983–1985)
*# Sir Cassam Moollan, Acting Governor-General of Mauritius (1985–1986)
* Prime Minister - Anerood Jugnauth, Prime Minister of Mauritius (1982–1995)
* Mayotte (Territorial collectivity of France)
* Prefect - François Bonnelle, Prefect of Mayotte (1984–1986)
* President of the General Council - Younoussa Bamana, President of the General Council of Mayotte (1976–1991)
* Morocco
* Monarch - Hassan II, King of Morocco (1961–1999)
* Prime Minister - Mohammed Karim Lamrani, Prime Minister of Morocco (1983–1986)
*Western Sahara (self-declared, partially recognized state)
*President - Mohamed Abdelaziz, President of Western Sahara (1976–present)
*Prime Minister -
*# Mahfoud Ali Beiba, Prime Minister of Western Sahara (1982–1985)
*# Mohamed Lamine Ould Ahmed, Prime Minister of Western Sahara (1985–1988)
* Communist Party Leader - Samora Machel, President of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (1975–1986)
* President - Samora Machel, President of Mozambique (1975–1986)
* Niger
*Head of State - Seyni Kountché, President of the Supreme Military Council of Niger (1974–1987)
*Prime Minister - Hamid Algabid, Prime Minister of Niger (1983–1988)
* Nigeria
*Head of State -
*# Muhammadu Buhari, Chairman of the Supreme Military Council of Nigeria (1983–1985)
*# Ibrahim Babangida, President of the Armed Forces Ruling Council of Nigeria (1985–1993)
* Rwanda
* President - Juvénal Habyarimana, President of Rwanda (1973–1994)
* Saint Helena and Dependencies (British overseas territory)
* Governor - Francis Eustace Baker, Governor of Saint Helena (1984–1988)
*São Tomé and Príncipe
* President - Manuel Pinto da Costa, President of São Tomé and Príncipe (1975–1991)
* Senegal
* President - Abdou Diouf, President of Senegal (1981–2000)
* Seychelles
* President - France-Albert René, President of Seychelles (1977–2004)
* Sierra Leone
*President -
*# Siaka Stevens, President of Sierra Leone (1971–1985)
*# Joseph Saidu Momoh, President of Sierra Leone (1985–1992)
* Somalia
* Communist Party Leader - Siad Barre, Secretary-general of the Somali Revolutionary Socialist Party (1976–1991)
* President - Siad Barre, President of Somalia (1969–1991)
* South Africa
*President - P. W. Botha, State President of South Africa (1984–1989)
*Bophuthatswana (unrecognized state)
*President - Lucas Mangope, President of Bophuthatswana (1968–1994)〔Bophuthatswana was only declared to be independent in 1977.〕
*Ciskei (unrecognized state)
*President - Lennox Sebe, President of Ciskei (1973–1990)〔Ciskei was only declared to be independent in 1981, before independence Lennox Sebe was titled Chief Minister.〕
*Transkei (unrecognized state)
*President - Kaiser Matanzima, President of Transkei (1979–1986)
*Prime Minister - George Matanzima, Prime Minister of Transkei (1979–1987)
*Venda (unrecognized state)
*President - Patrick Mphephu, President of Venda (1969–1988)〔Venda was only declared to be independent in 1979.〕
*South West Africa (League of Nations mandate administered by South Africa)
*Administrator-General -
*# Willie van Niekerk, Administrator-General of South West Africa (1983–1985)
*# Louis Pienaar, Administrator-General of South West Africa (1985–1990)
*Premier -
*# Jan F. Greebe, Chief Executive Officer of South West Africa (1983–1985)
*# Dawid Bezuidenhout, Chairman of the Transitional Government of National Unity of South West Africa (1985)
*# Hans Diergaardt, Chairman of the Transitional Government of National Unity of South West Africa (1985)
*# Moses Katjikuru Katjiuongua, Chairman of the Transitional Government of National Unity of South West Africa (1985–1986)
* Sudan
*Head of State -
*# Gaafar Nimeiry, President of Sudan (1969–1985)
*# Abdel Rahman Swar al-Dahab, Chairman of the Transitional Military Council of Sudan (1985–1986)
*Prime Minister -
*# Gaafar Nimeiry, Prime Minister of the Sudan (1977–1985)
*# Al-Jazuli Daf'allah, Prime Minister of the Sudan (1985–1986)
* Swaziland
* Monarch - Queen Ntombi, Regent of Swaziland (1983–1986)
* Prime Minister - Prince Bhekimpi Dlamini, Prime Minister of Swaziland (1983–1986)
* Tanzania
*President -
*# Julius Nyerere, President of Tanzania (1962–1985)〔Julius Nyerere was President of Tanganyika from 1962 to 1964.〕
*# Ali Hassan Mwinyi, President of Tanzania (1985–1995)
*Prime Minister -
*# Salim Ahmed Salim, Prime Minister of Tanzania (1984–1985)
*# Joseph Sinde Warioba, Prime Minister of Tanzania (1985–1990)
* Togo
* President - Gnassingbé Eyadéma, President of Togo (1967–2005)
*President - Habib Bourguiba, President for Life of Tunisia (1957–1987)
*Prime Minister - Mohammed Mzali, Prime Minister of Tunisia (1980–1986)
* Uganda
*Head of State -
*# Milton Obote, President of Uganda (1966–1971, 1980–1985)
*# Bazilio Olara-Okello, Chairman of the Military Council of Uganda (1985)
*# Tito Okello, Chairman of the Military Council of Uganda (1985–1986)
*Prime Minister -
*# Otema Alimadi, Prime Minister of Uganda (1980–1985)
*# Paulo Muwanga, Prime Minister of Uganda (1985)
*# Abraham Waligo, Prime Minister of Uganda (1985–1986)
* Zaire
*President - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire (1965–1997)
*Head of Government - Kengo Wa Dondo, First State Commissioner of Zaire (1982–1986)
* Zambia
*President - Kenneth Kaunda, President of Zambia (1964–1991)
*Prime Minister -
*# Nalumino Mundia, Prime Minister of Zambia (1981–1985)
*# Kebby Musokotwane, Prime Minister of Zambia (1985–1989)
* Zimbabwe
*President - Canaan Banana, President of Zimbabwe (1980–1987)
*Prime Minister - Robert Mugabe, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe (1980–1987)

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